Before finalizing your order, please make sure you are comfortable with the carrier you have chosen as Tuson RV Brakes is not responsible for any carrier mis-deliveries or delays. For additional information please proceed to our return policy page under Contact Us.

Request a Quote - ABS

8k LB

If your trailer’s axle weight rating is not at least 7K LB. it will not be possible to install a Tuson RV Brakes Anti-Lock Brake System on your trailer. Tone rings are required on the hydraulic disc brake rotors and hydraulic drum brake drums, so ABS wheel speed sensors can be used and are only available on 7K LB. and 8K LB. hydraulic brake assemblies.

RV Travel Trailer
RV Toy Hauler
Enclosed Cargo Trailer
Horse Trailer
Boat Trailer
Flat Bed Trailer (Car Hauler or Heavy Equipment)
Bumper Pull – Hitch Ball and Coupler
5th Wheel – Pin Box and 5th Wheel Hitch
Gooseneck – Gooseneck Hitch and Gooseneck Coupler
Note: This is the distance from the first cross frame member to the first axle
Hydraulic Drum Brakes
Hydraulic Disc Brakes
Dexter Axle
Hydraulic Drum Brakes
Hydraulic Disc Brakes
Dexter Axle
Please provide us with your contact information and we will review your request for quotation. Because each of our Anti-Lock Braking Systems is built to order and customized to every individual’s trailer, we may need to contact you to further discuss the construction and equipment of your trailer to provide the best setup for your trailer braking system. Quotation lead times will vary depending on the additional information needed.
Please fill out all fields that apply to you.